Thursday, October 07, 2004

War Games

It should come as no shock that such a sedentary society should be fascinated by televised poker. Most of the contestants, in desperate need of a shower and stomach staple, usually make us feel better about ourselves. The only lower form of entertainment would be watching people watch people playing poker.

Coincidentally, this presidential campaign has devolved into a game of Texas Hold ‘Em with world supremacy at stake. The contestants are Bush, Kerry, and Terrorism. (The French and Germans predictably folded.)

After 9/11, Bush is dealt pocket aces and Kerry two deuces while Terrorism’s hole cards are unknown.

By going to war, Bush with the strongest hand goes "all in" earlier than he needs to. The Flop - when the dealer turns over three cards which the players can combine with their own to make the best hand - is the war in Iraq, which started off well but is now highly volatile. Neither Bush nor Kerry improved his position.

Then comes the Turn card this week - another 2 - the revelation that we were way off in thinking Saddam had WMDs ready to use against us or sell to someone who would. It's a crushing blow to the Bush campaign. If Saddam wasn't armed with WMDs, if he was merely a bad guy who hates the U.S. and tortured his own people, then the cost of this war wasn't worth it. Bush's "the-world-is-safer-without-Saddam" argument only worked when we thought he had the capacity to strike. The desire to strike didn't merit going into Iraq. So after the Turn, Bush is left to say, “But look at the cards we have in our hands! I have two aces, and he only has two 2s! He’s only benefiting from the last card that turned up!” It’s true. Kerry isn’t holding superior cards. He doesn’t have a better strategy for the war on terror or even a proven track record to suggest he’d make good decisions. But this Turn of events, this latest development, will put Kerry in front with the American people, rendering Bush’s once mighty aces momentarily helpless. Suddenly, Kerry has three 2s compared to Bush's two aces. Kerry's in the lead.

The irony is that Bush’s hand may still be better than Terrorism's, at least for the time being. There’s no evidence that attacking Iraq – even if done spuriously – has given Bin Laden, et al-Qaida the upper hand in this fight. In fact, Terrorism may well be losing, as evidenced by Libya coming clean and a general sense that Bush is just crazy enough to go postal on any nation that lets Osama so much as shack up for the night. Keep in mind, they’ve been looking at those weird facial expressions and body language longer than Kerry.

So now the world waits on the River, the final card to be revealed by the dealer. Bush needs an ace - either direct evidence Saddam was planning to do us harm or, of course, the mother lode, capturing Bin Laden - to win another four years. Anything less will force him to bluff the American people into believing he still has what it takes to win. Meanwhile, the sweat from the Democratic Convention has returned to Kerry’s brow in spades as he prays against an ace or any card that would help Terrorism. Because, as he told us at the Democratic Convention, he doesn’t wear his faith on his sleeve, Kerry is free to use that sleeve to dab the beads of perspiration. A measly pair of deuces has become the best hand because of the extra 2 on the Turn. Confident in his newfound trio of 2s, Kerry - as Bush did earlier - pushes all of his chips to the middle, as well.

And while each party points its best poker face toward the other, both can see out of the corners of their eyes that Terrorism is refusing to go Allah in, instead holding onto a handful of chips so it can fight another day. Bush, Kerry, and all of us watching force ourselves to believe Terrorism has the weakest hand, and the game continues under that assumption. An ace or the bluff of the century keeps Bush in office and could keep Terrorism for the time being off balance and on defense. Anything but an ace puts Kerry in, which could either help reunite the world against this common enemy or prompt Terrorism to use some of its remaining chips to test the new administration’s resolve with a strike late in 2005 – just as they’ve done during the first year in office of the past two Presidents (Clinton had the WTC bombing in 1993; Bush had 9/11 in 2001).

Inherent in gambling, of course, is that our assumptions are often wrong. (There’s a reason why casinos, not gamblers, keep building bigger barns.) If Terrorism isn’t holding the weakest hand but instead foists upon the table a trump card in the form of another attack on U.S. soil, it won’t matter who winds up in the White House. Everyone will know who really holds the cards.

Maybe both sides should start asking the Dealer to have mercy.


Joel said...

I don't know what is sadder: You starting a second blog or me being the first comment on said blog.

My vote is for a third blog: Poo Position

Boone Box = spiritually insightful comments, sports stories (sans the sanitation stories) and delightful tales of your kids.

Poll Position = Long tirades about politics and poker world supremacy.

Poo Position = well you know, poo.

Anyway, in regard to your NY Times editorial (I mean post) my misguided thoughts are: We know Terrorism's cards. A royal straight of death and destruction. We just don't know when they will play them. So the game is really against Bush and Kerry to see who will play Terrorism in the match of the millennium. Poker is about knowing when to hold and when to fold (insert your own Kenny Rogers' impression here) and while Bush does make mistakes - I like his poker face best. Kerry makes the fat guy at the all you can eat buffet who has so many choices look decisive.

Kerry said that Saddam didn't attack us on 9/11. I jumped off of my couch (speaking of fat guys...) and said, "yeah, and Hitler didn't at Pearl Harbor but I'm glad we got involved."

I've been in enough fights to know two things. I want to hit first and hard and secondly, the guy who wants to talk tough usually doesn't fight well, if at all. The guy who just walks up and drops you with a shot to the jaw is the best fighter.

I like going to a mall and not worrying if that is the day I'm getting blown up. I like driving over the Golden Gate and not worrying about the U-haul next to me. I like the fact that we haven't had an attack on our soil since 9/11.

We know Terrorism’s cards. One of their best players is not at the table thanks to Bush. I believe if Gore or Kerry or Clinton was in office he would still be sitting there with his cards and we'd be worried sick. I'm glad we found no WMD's. Praise God. That is one less hand I have to worry about when I'm out to dinner tonight.

Who do you think the terrorists and Al Qaeda members watching this game go down on the TV want to win? Bush or Kerry?

You're dang right. Kerry. Why? Because they know they stand a better chance against him.

I'm placing the chip of my vote on Bush because I think he gives us the best hand at beating Terrorism.

Val said...

Regarding Joel's question of Poll Position v. Poo Position: That's a pretty fine line. At least if there is a line I'd say it would certainly be a gray area. How gray? Charcoal.

SG said...

I'm not sure which I enjoyed more..your post or Joel's comment. Both great!

John Owens said...

Joel, you're the first person I've ever heard say, "Praise God" for no WMDs. Wow, could it be that God had a hand in this? Surely not. I guess it's easier to settle in our faith and call Bush a liar than to think that God could work even in this mess.

Clarissa said...

Everything you have to say is very, very important. You just keep telling yourself that! :)